Вот все отдам за аккорды к его песням.
Well, now the tavern's empty and there's only you and me.
And if you care I'd like to share how this song came to be.
So come a little closer if you really want to know.
This very sad and woeful tale happened so long ago.

Well, I was just a little boy when I went to Pirate's Bay
And there I saw a creature that was very much dismayed.
With a harpoon in his dorsal fin and a hook stuck in his side,
This mighty whale was in such pain, we both began to cry.

I pushed and I shoved, but he wouldn't give way
Into the deeper waters off our shallow Pirate's Bay.
All I could do to help him was to keep people away,
So I wrote a sign that said, "Beware The Beast of Pirate's Bay!"
And what did it say?

Don't you sail and don't you row and certainly don't you swim,
'Cause if you aren't careful you'll end up inside of him.
He'll eat you up, he'll spit you out. You'd better stay away.
Heed the sign that says, "Beware."
Hell I should know, I put it there!
Heed the sign that says, "Beware the Beast of Pirate's Bay!"