И еще не будет. Жопа, это такая штука, что есть сток, вроде маленький, но, сцуко, глубокий, а вокруг безразмерные волосатые полужопия. Но, это лирика. А пока я иуи откатился от металла. Есть отличная весчь: Dropkick Murphys

(Если бы я выбирал муз. тему для Эла из охотников, то это она)(Ну и себе. Мои проблемы текут где-то параллельным курсом)

Though his pride was wounded, his ego was strong
Yea that was his Trouble and this is his Song

You said we die alone, in this case you were right
No friends by your side or family in sight
There'll be no talking your way out this time
So don't count the cash cause you leave it behind

His friends come and go like the seasons and tide
He can't keep a women they all realize
He loves them, leaves them, takes what he needs
He's loyal to no one, no one at all

You were brought up well still in spite of it all
You're touched by nothing, watch a man fall
Put a foot on his back to get a better view
Cause your loyal to No-one. No-One but you!

You said we die alone, in this case you were right
No friends by your side or family in sight
There'll be no talking your way out this time
So don't count the cash cause you leave it behind