Нет, он, конечно профессор английского, дикция и произношение у него академические, но надо признать, я здорово отвык от впитывания массы информации на ангельском. Мозги-то заржавели, а голливудская жвачка с ее скудным лексиконом не способствует навыку.
ЗЫ. У меня комплекс. Боюсь эссе а английском на 300 слов для литературного курса я не потяну (хотя, вроде это и не много).
ЗЗЫ. Касательно переводов Рабкин подтвердил мое мнение:
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n general, as anyone who has worked to acquire a non-native language knows, stylistic analyses are most trustworthy when they needn't rely on the skills of a translator. My German, for example, is rudimentary at best, yet I use many of Kafka's works in my on-campus Fantasy course. His style seems to me a crucial revelation of an essential ambiguity he sees in the world. I have, therefore, labored to read parts of his work with great care in German and double-checked my analyses with native speakers of German in order to make sure that my understanding of the works from English translation are valid and that my teaching therefore is legitimate. (So far, so good!)
On the other hand, it is sometimes desirable. For example, in Dracula, Stoker differentiates several of his characters by writing their speech in dialect and one of those dialects is so far from Standard English that even some of the other characters have trouble understanding him. I have no idea if the translations of this novel are good but I do know that the sense of linguistic variation is a fundamental part of Stoker's style, something to appreciate, consider, and, I hope, enjoy regardless of whether or not I discuss that feature at length.
In addition, for some books, as I say in the opening "Before You ReadтАж" clip for any relevant unit, the edition makes a difference. Wells revised "In the Country of the Blind" over thirty years after its original publication. The world-famous story that has been so widely embraced is the original version, not the one with the changed ending that he provided nearing the ending of his own life. I cannot, I'm sorry to say, report whether any given translation in any given language is of the right edition. To discover that, you must compare the edition I've indicated with the translation you have found.